The mainstream hit The Walking Dead just made a very unconventional move. The show revolves around a group stuck in the zombie apocalypse in Georgia. Now in its 6th season The Walking Dead captures one of the largest audiences on TV right now. And the show just revealed one of the most well thought out...realistic interracial relationships. Image Courtesy of Fans of TWD speculated that the Michonne and Rick should be in a relationship, but no one thought that the fan wish would become a reality. Michonne’s character is rich with complexity highlighting strong feminist undertones. She is a katana carrying dark skinned Black woman who fights through the zombie apocalypse; after her baby, brother, and husband died. Initially, she was a hard stoic character but as the show progressed she has become more feminine while maintaining her strength. Rick, has always been the handsome conflicted protagonist of the show. So, it came to much surprise that these two characters slowly gravitated towards each others strength and vulnerability. In the last episode, the two were sitting on a single couch in a dim room. Rick gave Michonne some mints, whereby she held his hand. Organically the two looked at one another, kissed, and the rest is self-explanatory. This intimate scene crossed the boundaries of race for Danai Gurira’s character into a territory rarely explored on TV- a black woman in a sexual relationship with a white man. Also what makes this relationship special is that not only is it interracial but it is STABLE. This cannot be said for Olivia and Fitz in Scandal, or Annalise and Sam in How to Get Away With Murder. Image Courtesy of Unsplash TWD hasn’t been completely faithful to the character Michonne, she is more prominent in the comic books but a supporting character in the show. Yet, Michonne as a character demonstrates capacity for strength, sexuality, and femininity in Black women. The Zimbabwean American actress, Danai Gurira does not shy away from conversations of race in Hollywood either. She speaks up about the necessity for complex and nuanced Black women in media. Gurira is more than just an actress, she is also an accomplished playwright. She made history with Eclipse, featuring Lupita Nyong’o, it is the first play where the cast, director, and writer are all women. Now, there is a Black history moment for you. Written By: Micheala Sharp
1 Comment
9/11/2018 10:48:53 pm
Zombieing is basically when your ex tries to come back into your life, after a long time
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