During A Pandemic, Black and Brown Girls Still Need Resources So We're Calling on YOU to Help!
Did you know that in the past six years, we've helped over 500 girls in NYC receive self-esteem building workshops and access college and career readiness opportunities?
However, when we pivoted our programs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our reach expanded but our funds could only service 33% of our combined digital and local audience. Leaving 66% of our audience of Black and Brown girls underserved, and this is a HUGE problem. Actually, if we're being honest, in our six years of existence, we haven't received a grant or acquired a large donation to provide all materials and resources needed to help our growing audience succeed at their fullest potential. During a pandemic, Black and Brown girls still need resources so we're calling on YOU to help! Learn more about this campaign and how you can contribute by visiting our GoFundMePage, below: https://charity.gofundme.com/o/en/campaign/savedtd |