The mainstream hit The Walking Dead just made a very unconventional move. The show revolves around a group stuck in the zombie apocalypse in Georgia. Now in its 6th season The Walking Dead captures one of the largest audiences on TV right now. And the show just revealed one of the most well thought out...realistic interracial relationships.
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So, you’re in class preoccupied with whether or not you’ve studied enough for the day’s exam or maybe you’ve been running late all day and when you finally get to class and set your bag down is when it happens: A student (in referring to a pop quiz perhaps) retorts, “This quiz is so gay” or perhaps while a teacher is struggling with a less than brand new projector screen a classmates declares, “This school is so ghetto.” You find yourself overcome with a combination of emotions including that of frustration, anger and insecurity even. What you have experienced is no doubt the sharp end of a microaggression or a microaggressive comment.
It’s done. It only took six hours, but it was worth it. My new long braids really do look beautiful. A lot better than I thought it would, to be honest. I never would’ve thought that I would do it, fifteen-year-old me would be so shocked. But that was the misguided-me, the self-hating-me, the bend-over-backwards-for-white-people me. And that girl died a long time ago.
“Almost all of the teachers at my school are white and they don’t treat me differently because of my race, I think they try ignore the fact that I am black and everyone else in my school is white which is a problem within itself .” On Presidents’ Day, The Dinner Table Documentary hosted an event entitled, “The MisEducation of Black Girls.” It consisted of a panel of young women of color who attended public, private and charter schools in New York City. “Almost all of the teachers at my school are white and they don’t treat me differently because of my race. I think they try to ignore the fact that I am black and everyone else in my school is white which is the problem within itself.” Hearing a young lady from the panel say that quote hurt my heart and instantly gave me flashbacks of my own complicated experiences.
May 2022